Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Guide to Yeast Infection Treatment

Before we can discuss yeast infection treatment we need some information about what yeast infection actually is.
Understanding Yeast Infection
Yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of candida albicans bacteria. We all have a vast number of different bacteria including candida on our skin, in our mouths, in the genital area and in our intestines.
In a normal healthy person there is a delicate balance of these bacteria. The candida bacteria keep other potentially unhealthy bacteria in check - and the candida bacteria are kept in check by other friendly pro-biotic bacteria.
Unfortunately various situations in life can disrupt our internal balance and this is when an overgrowth of candida albicans can happen and we start to suffer with a yeast infection.
Causes of Yeast Infection
There are a large number of potential causes:
· The use of antibiotics which can kill the pro-biotic bacteria which we need to prevent candida overgrowth.
· Hormonal changes (during the normal menstrual cycle, pregnancy or as a result of hormone therapy or birth control)
· Poorly controlled diabetes can allow elevated blood sugar levels which the yeast will feed on.
· Clothing which allows increased moisture near the skin.
· Sexual contact with an infected partner.
· A weakened immune system (maybe as a result of HIV).
· Stress can cause increased blood sugar levels which the yeast will feed on.
· Poor diet - Refined carbohydrates can cause candida to grow.
There are several main types of yeast infection treatment:
1) Over the Counter Treatments
During the last twenty years or so over the counter treatments such as anti-fungal creams, tablets and suppositories have become available from your local pharmacy..
Most of these treatments can be effective at treating the symptoms of yeast infection but very few are able to properly tackle the root cause - our bacterial imbalance in our intestines. This is because the internal imbalance stems from such a complex situation which potentially involves several different issues.
Therefore the down-sides of relying on over the counter yeast infection treatment are:
· They are not able to tackle the root cause - only the symptoms.
· There can be nasty side effects if they are used in the long term.
· They do not stop us from continuing what may be a very unhealthy lifestyle which contributes to perpetuating the problem thus allowing recurrent yeast infections, possibly for many years to come.
2) Quick Relief
There are some quick methods that can be effective in easing the symptoms:
· The use of plain yoghurt that has not been heat-treated and still contains active pro-biotic bacteria can help when applied to the affected area and left for an hour or so. Make sure that it has not been heat-treated as heat-treatment kills the pro-biotic bacteria. If the container says "bio-live" on the side this is a good indication that it still contains pro-biotic bacteria.
· Garlic has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It can be applied to the affected area and taken internally and should help to combat the symptoms.
· Organic apple cider vinegar can also help when applied to the affected area.
Please understand that while these quick relief methods will definitely go some way towards relieving the symptoms they are highly unlikely to completely cure the infection
3) Doctors Prescriptions
Doctors find yeast infection difficult to eradicate - simply because it can be triggered by what can be a very complex situation with a combination of so many different factors.
4) Immunotherapy Treatment
Immunotherapy yeast infection treatment was pioneered in London in the 1960's. This involves dietary changes along with oral drops or injections to increase the body's immune system while reducing the allergic response.
This treatment can be effective but is not usually a permanent solution as it wears off over time.
5) Natural Holistic Treatment
A natural holistic yeast infection treatment is the safest and most effective way to eliminate the condition permanently - because a comprehensive holistic treatment works on the whole body to tackle the root cause and restore our natural healthy internal balance rather than just dealing with the symptoms.

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