Monday, December 13, 2010

Growing Taller Secrets - Let's Take a Look at the Reasons and Countermeasures

If you are looking for ways to grow taller, it means that you have not reached the height you desire. This recognition might have been attributed to many reasons. You are excluded from the basketball games gradually. The girl you like went out with that guy who is no better than you except that he is taller. Whatever the reason is, you have arrived at this page which will hand you the growing taller secrets that have helped a lot of people in making their dreams of growing taller come true.
We will gradually picture the growing taller secrets together by analyzing the reasons why people are not equally short or equally tall. Specifically, they have something to do with genetics, environment, poor diet and lifestyle.
When it comes to genetics, I don't think that we can do anything about it. We inherited our height from our parents because their height determines how tall we can become, at least partially. Scientists even tell us that our grow-up height can be calculated even before we are born. Fortunately, there are more elements than genetics which have much to do with how tall we can become.
Let's take a look at environmental factors. If we lived in space where there is no gravity and air pressure, we could certainly grow into a giant. That's an extreme example. But it explains the relationship between environment and height. Nonetheless, environmental factors are more than where we live. What is available for you to eat in the environment that you are living in and what kind of peers you socialize are also very important.
Poor diet plays a very important role in the growth of our bones. Without enough nutrients such as minerals and vitamins, they can not grow as fast and fully as they are meant to. But don't rush to supplements just because of this. Taking too much of certain nutrients is not necessarily beneficial to our health. For example, scientists found out that excessive calcium will result in health problems such as kidney stones. It's more than enough if you keep your diets balanced in nutrients.
Lifestyle is also where the growing taller secrets are lying. Do you exercise often? Do you keep your body active by joining others in activities such as mountain climbing? Do you have your favorite exercises that you are doing everyday? Do you sleep enough everyday? If you can confidently answer these questions with yes, then you are growing steadily as expected because exercising and sleeping are combined to boost the production of human growth hormones within our body.
Now that we have got the height increasing secrets out, it's time for you to put them into use and experience growing spurts one after another.

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