Monday, December 13, 2010

Acupuncture Is A Successful Treatment for Women 35 Plus Trying To Get Pregnant

Many women are putting off having a baby until they are in their late thirties or early forties. There can be many reasons for this but the predominant one would be the fact that women are now running their own businesses and climbing the corporate ladder in an arena that was once reserved for men only.

Unfortunately unlike men who can reproduce sperm every 3 months women are born with all the reproductive eggs they will ever need and by the time they are 38 their ovarian reserve may be getting low. Some women may even experience an early menopause.
It seems like a cruel trick of nature as women are taking their place in the world on a more equal status but their fertility still remains a victim of their biological clock.
IVF programs (eggs are taken from a woman and fertilized with her male partners sperm in a laboratory and then placed back in the woman's 3-5 days after fertilization} are hugely popular for those who can afford them. The down side is they are very expensive and have side effects such as nausea, headaches, mood swings, abdominal pain and multiple births.

They are also not that effective especially foe women who are over 35.
If a woman experiences difficulty getting pregnant because of her age I strongly suggest she try acupuncture. This is an ancient traditional infertility treatment which is getting women pregnant when IVF has failed.
The Chinese believe the body is a series of pathways that lead to individual organs. In these pathways are energy or meridian points which they manipulate with the use of long thin surgical needles. When the flow of blood is increased through manipulation the ovaries receive rich oxygen filled blood that nourishes the eggs making them a lot healthier. This is essential for older women, as the quality of their eggs may be in question.
Acupuncture also works wonders with hormonal imbalances which is usual in woman 35 plus. FSH (a hormone which stimulates egg production) levels start to rise but with acupuncture and Chinese herbs FSH levels have been seen to fall allowing many women to conceive.

Many women are told they will never get pregnant because they have reached an age where it may be too late. Luckily holistic healers have a completely different outlook and that is the reason so many women are getting pregnant.
It is ironic that alternative treatments like acupuncture do not see age always as a factor. Their approach is to improve a woman's reproductive system so she can get pregnant whether she is 25 or 35.

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