Monday, December 13, 2010

3 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress which helps people cope with isolated situations such as an exam or new job, however according to the National Institute of Mental Health there are roughly 40 million American adults over the age of 18 that have an anxiety disorder in any given year. This means approximately 18% of the adult population suffers from some type of anxiety disorder whether it be post traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder or phobias. Anxiety can occur at any time but many people find the holiday season particularly stressful when dealing with difficult family situations, work pressures, money issues and overbooked schedules. Below are some alternatives to treating stress and anxiety.

1.Acupuncture is very effective for treating anxiety as treatment promotes a deep state of relaxation which will calm the nerves, quiet the mind as well as enhance clarity and focus, often people coming in for other conditions will report they feel calmer, more centred and able to cope with stressful situations better. Acupuncture like Chinese herbal medicine is based on an individual's diagnosis and a point prescription will be formulated accordingly. There have been some studies that show both body and ear acupuncture have some benefit for reducing anxiety symptoms. Auricular acupuncture has also been shown to be effective in reducing preoperative anxiety, which could also be used for other anxiety inducing situations.

2. Herbs in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are combined in a formula to maximize the efficacy and minimize side-effects and toxicity. 
Although the prescription is based on the individual's constitution and symptom analysis there are some common herbs used in prescriptions based on which organ systems are involved. According to Chinese medicine theory anxiety is primarily related to imbalances in the Heart, Kidney and Lung organ systems. Herbs such as, dan shen (salvia), hu po (amber), he huan pi (mimosa tree bark), fu xiao mai (wheat), long yan rou (dragon eye flesh fruit), fu ling pi or fu shen (poria fungus skin or around root), wu wei zi (schizandra fruit) and lian zi (lotus seed) are frequently used in formulas used to treat anxiety.
Herbal teas or supplements such as Valerian, passionflower, chamomile and even green tea all have calming properties. A recent study confirmed positive effects of passionflower and kava along with nutritional supplements on anxiety and anxiety related disorders, while lingzhi or Reishi tea and Bach Flower Remedies are also popular remedies.

3. Diet and lifestyle can play a role in keeping anxiety levels in check. Maintaining a regular exercise schedule which includes some type of relaxation or calming activity is beneficial. Try yoga, walking meditation, deep breathing exercises or even other alternative therapies such as Reiki, massage and music. With regards to diet avoid grabbing quick snacks and eating more processed, refined foods as they can exacerbate anxiety, instead take time to prepare a meal and enjoy it making sure to include high quality protein, whole grains and a variety of fresh vegetables which will help to calm nerves and ease the mind. As with any condition it is recommended to consult your healthcare practitioner to assess which therapy will be most beneficial for your condition.

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