Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Are you constantly online, texting or twittering? Worried about the long term impact of increased computer and gaming time on the brain? Many people believe the technological age will have a negative impact on memory, concentration and general brain function over time. Below are 5 simple ways to improve your brain function.

1. Acupuncture is a great way to reduce stress, improve sleep and allow the body to enter deep relaxation which will enhance rejuvenation. There are even certain acupuncture points which can impact the brain directly, as well as scalp acupuncture which targets specific areas of the brain. From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective enhancing brain function involves strengthening Kidney Essence, nourishing Heart Blood and tonifying Marrow, which is the spinal cord, brain, bones and bone marrow.

2. Chinese herbs can be used to promote cognitive function or help balance organ systems which may contribute to declining brain function later in life. Common herbs used to prevent mental decline are gingko biloba, ling zhi, ginseng, gou ji berries and others used more in traditional Chinese medicine formulas to strengthen the Kidney essence such as he shou wu, rou cong rong and wu wei zi.

3. Diet plays an important role in overall health including brain health. The nutrient luteolin which is found in vegetables and herbs such as carrots, peppers, celery, rosemary, peppermint and olive oil has been found to decrease inflammation in the brain which can be responsible for decreased memory and cognitive function. Whereas a Finnish study found that seniors with higher levels of B12 in the body had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's. Certain foods are also considered to be brain tonics, such as walnuts, blueberries, kiwi, kidney beans and supplements like vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids which can be found in salmon, tuna, halibut as well as some nuts and plant sources.

4. Lifestyle is also an important factor in maintaining brain function, getting regular restful sleep, managing stress and finding time for relaxation will give the brain a chance to recharge. Activities such as yoga, meditation, tai chi and breathing exercises are all beneficial. If you prefer active sports like biking, skiing, skating and contact sports definitely protect your head as trauma to the head has shown to increase the chance of developing Alzheimer's later in life.

5. Learn a new skill to create neural pathways in the brain which will keep it healthy over time. Language and dance are often touted as good activities for the brain and recent research on bilingual children confirms it. Multilingual children were found to adapt to changes easier and focus better in confusing environments. In one study bilingualism helped to slow the onset of dementia, including Alzheimer's by about 4 years.

Monday, December 13, 2010

3 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress which helps people cope with isolated situations such as an exam or new job, however according to the National Institute of Mental Health there are roughly 40 million American adults over the age of 18 that have an anxiety disorder in any given year. This means approximately 18% of the adult population suffers from some type of anxiety disorder whether it be post traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder or phobias. Anxiety can occur at any time but many people find the holiday season particularly stressful when dealing with difficult family situations, work pressures, money issues and overbooked schedules. Below are some alternatives to treating stress and anxiety.

1.Acupuncture is very effective for treating anxiety as treatment promotes a deep state of relaxation which will calm the nerves, quiet the mind as well as enhance clarity and focus, often people coming in for other conditions will report they feel calmer, more centred and able to cope with stressful situations better. Acupuncture like Chinese herbal medicine is based on an individual's diagnosis and a point prescription will be formulated accordingly. There have been some studies that show both body and ear acupuncture have some benefit for reducing anxiety symptoms. Auricular acupuncture has also been shown to be effective in reducing preoperative anxiety, which could also be used for other anxiety inducing situations.

2. Herbs in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are combined in a formula to maximize the efficacy and minimize side-effects and toxicity. 
Although the prescription is based on the individual's constitution and symptom analysis there are some common herbs used in prescriptions based on which organ systems are involved. According to Chinese medicine theory anxiety is primarily related to imbalances in the Heart, Kidney and Lung organ systems. Herbs such as, dan shen (salvia), hu po (amber), he huan pi (mimosa tree bark), fu xiao mai (wheat), long yan rou (dragon eye flesh fruit), fu ling pi or fu shen (poria fungus skin or around root), wu wei zi (schizandra fruit) and lian zi (lotus seed) are frequently used in formulas used to treat anxiety.
Herbal teas or supplements such as Valerian, passionflower, chamomile and even green tea all have calming properties. A recent study confirmed positive effects of passionflower and kava along with nutritional supplements on anxiety and anxiety related disorders, while lingzhi or Reishi tea and Bach Flower Remedies are also popular remedies.

3. Diet and lifestyle can play a role in keeping anxiety levels in check. Maintaining a regular exercise schedule which includes some type of relaxation or calming activity is beneficial. Try yoga, walking meditation, deep breathing exercises or even other alternative therapies such as Reiki, massage and music. With regards to diet avoid grabbing quick snacks and eating more processed, refined foods as they can exacerbate anxiety, instead take time to prepare a meal and enjoy it making sure to include high quality protein, whole grains and a variety of fresh vegetables which will help to calm nerves and ease the mind. As with any condition it is recommended to consult your healthcare practitioner to assess which therapy will be most beneficial for your condition.

A Tip Form a User on Combining Two Powerful Tools Against Pain

It is always interesting to see people show their creative side and make good thing even better. This time - about an approach of combining an acupressure mat and heating pad to create a powerful weapon against pain and tension. The newly discovered usage of two powerful tools might be a new trend in well being!
Browsing through the web one can find many interesting articles about people finding their own, personal and very effective methods of dealing with different problems and conditions. Michelle Panagos recently sharing her experience of a revolutionary approach in using an acupressure mat and healing pad combined to reach better results - on the company's blog. Here's what she wrote:
"I discovered a technique that enhanced my Pranamat experience exponentially... a heating pad!I use a heating pad on occasion and found myself last night trying to decide between my heat pad or the Pranamat and had a revelation that perhaps I could have both! So I placed my heat pad underneath the mat and turned the heat up high. It feels absolutely phenomenal!
A little concerned about how the materials, especially the coconut, would be affected by the heat short term or long-term.
In any event it feels GREAT!
A bit on how it works.
Many sources reveal that most pain comes from muscle strain of exertion, which then creates tension in both muscles and soft tissues. The tension constricts circulation and sends pain signals to the brain.
What heat application does is dilate the blood vessels around the pain area and increase the blood flow to help damaged muscle tissues with more oxygen and nutrients. The heating pad also stimulates sensations on one's skin and by this decreases the pain signals that our body sends to the brain. Warmth flexes the soft tissues and muscles in the injured area releasing tension and stiffness.
Various types of heating pads allow them to be used at home, work or while traveling. And, as suggested by Michelle, it also works well with the Pranamat Eco.
The acupressure mat Pranamat Eco is known to work in a very similar way. It stimulates bioactive points and skin receptors to relieve tension and increase blood circulation, also triggering endorphin release to reduce pain. The natural sense of warmth that is caused by the increased blood circulation also loosens the muscles and warms them up in order to stretch the muscle fibers.
Basically, what Pranamat Eco does is releasing your body's natural power of self-healing and rejuvenating processes. Using these two devices can bring a faster relieve and, as pointed out by Michelle, is also very pleasant.
What about materials?
Now, what Michelle is concerned about is that the heat might damage the mat. Where's what can be found on blog(dot)advaitaart(dot)com:
Electric heating pads mostly heat up till from 170 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit (76 to 82 °C) (please see the manual for specific information on the pad you are using). This temperature cannot harm or damage the materials that are made for intensive use and are highly durable.
Acupressure mat is made of natural materials - cover is stitched from 100% linen, the inner filler cover is made of 100% undyed cotton and the mat filler is a 100% natural coconut fibre. Here's a bit on each of the components used in Pranamat Eco.
Linen is a material known for its durability. It allows free air circulation, is anti static and hypo allergenic. As any natural fiber textile it is prone to temperature changes.
Lotuses, made of medically tested and toxin-free plastic H.I.P.S., are prone and safe for use in close contact with skin. The plastic does not contain heavy metals and massagers are attached to the mat without any glue. That means that no hazardous vapors are released during the use. Lotuses are attached with a patented heating technique and can hold high temperatures.
Coconut fibre is a natural material that allows free air circulation and does not absorb any odors. It is also temperature resistant, does not emit any chemicals and is hypo allergenic.
Suggestions for usage
Heating pads are mostly used in treating pain and relieving tension. These are also one of the most common uses of Pranamat Eco. Try to enforce the effect by using a heating pad and acupressure mat combined.

Acupuncture: Live A Painless Life

It was in 1972, when President Nixon, along with James Reston, a New York Times reporter, visited China that acupuncture started gaining popularity in the US. James was suffering from post-operative pain, for which he had received acupuncture and found it quite effective. Upon his return, he wrote about acupuncture in the New York Times, as he was very impressed by the pain relief. James' case is not the only one. Tens of thousands of Americans have been able to get relief from different types of pains and ailments via acupuncture. If you are a resident of Dallas and are suffering from some bodily pain, then acupuncture in 
Dallas is your best bet to live a painless life.
Acupuncture in Dallas: Get Relief from Major Diseases
You can get relief from different types of pains, as well as abnormal physical conditions, by receiving acupuncture in Dallas. Based on the traditional Chinese concept of 'Chi', this procedure stimulates mandarin points to balance the body's energy and encourage the healing process. Traditionally, acupuncture practitioners used bone, wood, or metal needles or bian stones to treat patients. With advancement in medical technology, fine acupuncture needles are used for treatment, directly or with laser. This procedure is widely used to treat the following diseases:
* Fibromyalgia
* Back and neck pain
* Women's issues, such as cramping and menstrual troubles
* Cysts
* Acute conditions and wounds
* Psoriasis
* Arthritis
* Frequent headaches

Depending on the physical anatomy of a specific body part to be treated, the treatment procedure may vary. Also, the number of visits will vary from case to case. While some cases get resolved in one visit, cases of chronic disease may take longer. The procedure is practically painless, since the needles are as thin as a human hair. Many times, patients fall asleep during the treatments, as it relaxes them. However, it is crucial that you get acupuncture in Dallas only from a trained, licensed professional to ensure safe treatment and complete relief. Preferably, contact a practitioner who provides both needle and non-needle treatments.

How to Use Acupuncture: 1 Way to Become the Architect of Your Life

Acupuncture energy works to open pathways in our consciousness that maybe closed. The mind can reveal itself to us as our channels are opened, our health improves and our body relaxes. Acupuncture works to facilitate healing on all levels -- physical, emotional and psychological. When we open our bodies in new ways, we open ourselves to new ideas. In this way we create opportunities for moving forward in our lives and for changing our patterns of behavior. This is the real beauty of this medicine and the joy of being a practitioner.

Recently I am moved by the fact that we are the architects of our lives. We create what we focus on. We chose what we focus on and so we create what we chose.
It takes time to decide where we chose to invest our time our energy our life. By that time, some of us are tired because we have spent so much of our lives going down dead end streets or de-railing ourselves from goal we thought were impossible, not easy to achieve. We lose our interest when our goals take time and all goals do.

It's important to choose goals that inspire us, to set goals, even if they appear to be impossible to achieve. This is the fruit of inspiration. This is what keeps us going through the everyday, routine that becomes our life. Create inventive goals, fun, inspiring goals and then create the details of how we are going to achieve them. This is the attitude that keeps the heart floating and in joy. We have our existential selves, our day to day lives. And we have our dreams, our longing. This longing, this striving, keeps us connected to life, to people to the world outside ourselves. Choose to approach our days with something to look forward to.

When we feel we have achieved our goals it's wonderful. As we age, most of us create fewer goals, simply because our vision of all our life can become gets a bit smaller. This is backwards. As we age, we have more experience in the world and so our dreams and ideals can grow to suit our expanding nature. We project what we think our into the world. If we see limitations we project that. If we see expansion we project that.
In being the architect of my life, I choose to continue to expand my opportunities, my joys and my life.
What are your thoughts? Send me a comment!

 Many patients who are suffering from long-term illness or pain seek aid from an acupuncturist in order to find a solution to their condition. The process of acupuncture has been disputed for many years; while some people fully endorse this medical procedure, others claim that the relief caused by acupuncture treatments is purely a placebo effect, and that acupuncture in itself has no real medical value. Scientific researchers continue to study the effects of acupuncture today to try to determine the true effects of this procedure.

During acupuncture treatment, extremely thin needles are used to create multiple insertions in the patient's skin. The location of these insertions varies depending on the acupuncture session's specific purpose. For instance, a patient who is suffering from leg pain would likely receive the bulk of his or her treatment in the afflicted area, while a patient who has a serious respiratory infection would receive most of his or her treatment around the chest and lungs. These insertions are so minute that they cannot even be seen with the naked eye. Furthermore, the insertions themselves tend to cause no pain unless they interfere with a preexisting injury. Supporters of acupuncture claim that the injection of needles into specially diagnosed areas helps to relieve pressure in several key points, giving the body a more balanced and relaxed system. These theories are derived from traditional Chinese culture, which has used acupuncture treatment for several thousand years.
Because so many people endorse the treatment procedure of acupuncture, scientific researchers have performed innumerable studies regarding the subject's effectiveness. As of today, most experiments have found no definite connection between acupuncture and pain relief, although new hypotheses are still being tested. Some researchers suspect that acupuncture may be connected with the body's release of pain-reducing hormones such an serotonin and endorphins. Other scientists believe that acupuncture treatments may facilitate the loosening of stiff or sore muscle tissue, yielding a relaxing effect in the patient.
While the benefits of acupuncture are largely disputed, most professionals agree that the procedure has no adverse effects so long as sterilized equipment is used. Acupuncture has been gaining popularity in recent years, and most people can find a trained acupuncturist in his or her area. 

The city of Richmond, Virginia possesses several different acupuncture specialists and clinics. All of these acupuncture practices have received extensive training and education in the field of acupuncture medicinal treatment. In order to locate an acupuncturist in Richmond, one should consult his or her health care provider or perform a simple Internet search on the subject.

Acupuncture As A Natural Remedy

Having been practiced by Chinese healers for many centuries, acupuncture has now grown in popularity in other parts of the world as well. It is being hailed for the various health benefits that it offers as well as for the absence of any negative side effects. People have even begun to promote acupuncture as a natural remedy for arthritis, probably because Chinese doctors hold the belief that arthritis is caused an imbalance in your body's energy. Acupuncture is believed to restore your natural energy balance. It has, in fact, been shown to promote the secretion of endorphins, which naturally block pain.
Forms of Arthritis
The most common forms of arthritis where acupuncture is used for are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is very common in the United States, affecting about 21 million adults in the country. It is caused by the deterioration of the joints and cartilage and results in a feeling of stiffness and considerable pain. Rheumatoid arthritis may be more painful because it affects not only the joints, but also some major organs. It can cause severe inflammation in your joints' lining, which results in swelling, stiffness, and a lot of pain. This form of arthritis also causes you to lose your joints' normal shape and range of movement. It often goes into remission for some time and then suddenly flares up again. Acupuncture is very effective in relieving the pain caused by both forms of arthritis.
How It Is Done?
Acupuncture begins with the cleansing of your skin using alcohol. Sterilized, stainless steel needles are then inserted either directly into the painful area or in other areas known as energy channels. The number of needles and the depths of insertion can vary according to the severity of your condition. If the number of needles that need to be inserted in a single area is significantly large, then a hypodermic needle may be used. The acupuncture needles will then be twisted, electrically energized and then left in place for somewhere between a few minutes to an hour.
How It Feels
Of course, you can expect to feel some pain when the needles are inserted, the degree of which is the same as that of receiving a vaccination shot. You may also feel a warming effect as the needles are electrically energized. This effect actually increases the benefits that you get from the treatment. Among the most common complaints are numbness and a tingling sensation when the needles are left in place. Some people may also feel sore and experience heaviness in the areas where the needles are inserted. Acupuncture as a natural remedy for arthritis is usually required twice each week because it normally takes several treatments for you to completely feel the benefits.
Several studies have proven that acupuncture can indeed relieve pain, which makes it the ideal treatment method for arthritis, being a condition characterized primarily by pain. Arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States and acupuncture as a natural remedy is your safest alternative to drugs and other treatment methods.

Acupuncture Is A Successful Treatment for Women 35 Plus Trying To Get Pregnant

Many women are putting off having a baby until they are in their late thirties or early forties. There can be many reasons for this but the predominant one would be the fact that women are now running their own businesses and climbing the corporate ladder in an arena that was once reserved for men only.

Unfortunately unlike men who can reproduce sperm every 3 months women are born with all the reproductive eggs they will ever need and by the time they are 38 their ovarian reserve may be getting low. Some women may even experience an early menopause.
It seems like a cruel trick of nature as women are taking their place in the world on a more equal status but their fertility still remains a victim of their biological clock.
IVF programs (eggs are taken from a woman and fertilized with her male partners sperm in a laboratory and then placed back in the woman's 3-5 days after fertilization} are hugely popular for those who can afford them. The down side is they are very expensive and have side effects such as nausea, headaches, mood swings, abdominal pain and multiple births.

They are also not that effective especially foe women who are over 35.
If a woman experiences difficulty getting pregnant because of her age I strongly suggest she try acupuncture. This is an ancient traditional infertility treatment which is getting women pregnant when IVF has failed.
The Chinese believe the body is a series of pathways that lead to individual organs. In these pathways are energy or meridian points which they manipulate with the use of long thin surgical needles. When the flow of blood is increased through manipulation the ovaries receive rich oxygen filled blood that nourishes the eggs making them a lot healthier. This is essential for older women, as the quality of their eggs may be in question.
Acupuncture also works wonders with hormonal imbalances which is usual in woman 35 plus. FSH (a hormone which stimulates egg production) levels start to rise but with acupuncture and Chinese herbs FSH levels have been seen to fall allowing many women to conceive.

Many women are told they will never get pregnant because they have reached an age where it may be too late. Luckily holistic healers have a completely different outlook and that is the reason so many women are getting pregnant.
It is ironic that alternative treatments like acupuncture do not see age always as a factor. Their approach is to improve a woman's reproductive system so she can get pregnant whether she is 25 or 35.

Acupuncture Treatment During IVF

Initial Consultation
Acupuncture for IVF support usually starts with an initial preparation period of about 3 months. In this period your acupuncturist will discuss your diet, lifestyle, general wellbeing and address any concerns about the treatment you may have. In addition it is important to bring any results from your own western doctors such FSH levels, low AMH etc. Often the acupuncturist will take details of your menstrual cycle, length, regularity etc.
During IVF
During the periods whereby you will be 'down regulating' and 'stimulating' acupuncture can help to maintain the free flow of energy keeping you calm and energised. The aim is to support the body during this stressful time. In addition the aim of acupuncture is to optimise the 'Qi' of the body to ensure a healthy follicle growth and a good endometrial thickness aswell. This will help egg collection as well as maintaining a certain element of calmness during the whole procedure.
Post Egg Collection
This treatment takes place immediately after egg collection. This will aid post operative care and speed up the healing of the vital organs, helping to reduce internal swelling. The aim is to keep the 'Qi' energy flow vitalised to the area of concern, ensuring optimal conditions for implantation of the embryo.
Pre Embryo (Blastocyst) Transfer
This treatment is aimed at dilating the cervix and warming the womb to create the perfect conditions for egg transfer.
Post Embryo Transfer
This treatment occurs after the embryo has been transferred to the womb. The aim of this treatment is to relax and calm the patient and maintain an upwards holding energy pattern to ensure the embryo stays in the womb.
Implantation Treatment
This treatment occurs 4-7 days after the implantation and this falls inline with time when the embryo would naturally implant along the lining of the uterus. This treatment encourages the lining of the uterus to be as thick and as oxygenated as possible. At this time also the aim is to support and relax the patient during the whole waiting period.
Pregnancy support treatment
Additional treatments during the duration of the pregnancy can ensure a smoother ride. Issues such as morning sickness, anxiety, breech presentation and preparation for labour are just some of the areas covered by acupuncture.

Combat Hair Loss With an Alternative Therapy Like Electronic Acupuncture

Hair loss can be devastating to your self-esteem and undermine your self-confidence. Because people's first impressions are of physical appearances, a number of remedies to help grow back hair are often tried. If you are suffering from hair loss, called alopecia by doctors, have you considered electronic acupuncture? Based on the ancient Chinese principles of acupuncture, this complementary treatment just might help you grow back hair.

Basic Acupuncture Beliefs
The earliest Chinese believed your life's energy called qi flows through microscopic pathways called meridians that are located just beneath the skin. The principle behind any ailment is that one or more of these pathways becomes blocked. By inserting tiny needles in acupoints along these meridians, the natural flow of life energy can be restored, thereby resolving the ailment.
Electronic acupuncture is based on the same principles; however, only acupoints located on the hand and palm are stimulated through the application of electromagnetic waves delivered through the wand of a handheld electronic acupuncture device. Virtually all major primary functions of the body have corresponding points housed on the front and back of the hand.

Basic Causes of Hair Loss
A number of conditions exist that may cause or contribute to alopecia. For instance, hereditary factors may place a major part in losing your hair. Stress, anxiety and psychological problems are contributors. Fungal infections, hormonal changes, iron deficiencies, hyper- and hypothyroidism and even drug side effects are contributors to alopecia.
You can treat specific acupoints on your hand using an electronic acupuncture device, based on what caused the hair loss. For instance, if your doctor has indicated that hormonal issues are contributors, you could treat the area on your hand that corresponds with the endocrine system. Nutritional deficiencies may require that areas such as the kidneys be treated.

You could also set your electronic acupuncture device on the detection mode and run the handheld wand all over your hand until you feel heightened sensations. These specific areas could potentially indicate the parts of the body that may be contributing to your alopecia.

However, if no underlying cause can be pinpointed, chances are heredity is to blame. In this instance, you could stimulate the acupoints that point to the heart and blood vessels. Stimulating better blood flow can help heal the hair follicles and promote new hair growth. Devices that deliver electromagnetic wave impulses can be used in conjunction with traditional medical methods to treat hair loss as well. Acupuncture is an excellent complementary treatment.

A Better Look At The Procedure Called Acupuncture

This article is going to be attempting a much better look at the very common procedure that is called acupuncture. It is very important to always consider that the world health organization has approved over forty uses for this ancient practice. It is also very important to consider that some critics praise these procedures, while others have claimed to not get acceptable results.
In order for a reader to better understand the procedure that is being discussed, it is very important to explain the actual procedure. The term describes the ancient Chinese practice of inserting needles into specific points within the human body. In certain kinds of services, the needles might even be heated to a certain degree. It is important to have this procedure done by somebody that has been properly trained.

There are many uses for this type of procedure, however most of them have to do with patients that are suffering from chronic pain or headaches. These particular type of patients tend to get the very best results. Many people suffer from various types of back pain, and when this procedure is done properly, it sometimes help some of these patients a great deal.
In more recent years, many patients that are suffering through terminal illnesses such as cancer or aids, have found a great deal of assistance from these procedures. Some of them claim that it was able to help them deal with their pain, while others claim that the procedures improved their state of mind. Rather or not these procedures will assist the terminally ill, has to be determined on an individual basis for each case.
For many years, people that have been suffering from really bad allergies have tried these procedures out. It is very important to keep in mind that many people that suffer from very serious allergies, are not very comfortable with the idea of taking very high doses of allergy medication because of the many side effects that might be related to it.
Consider that alcohol and substance abuse are very big problems that are found to be quite common within our modern society. People who are recovering from any addiction are usually quite desperate to find strategies that will help them through the recovery process. This particular procedure is one of the strategies that many recent recovering individuals have found to be helpful.
When it comes to this type of practice, please be sure to remember that any form of trauma that is serious enough to emergency care should be handled only with western medicine. Eastern medicine can help with a lot of things, but there are many cases when a person should be taking to the emergency room or a nearby health care facility as soon as possible.

This article has taken a little bit of a better look at the procedure known as acupuncture. It has been around since ancient times, and many practitioners have claimed that this procedure has been quite useful for many cases. It never hurts to try out such a service, especially if a person is seeking assistance in some of the particular situations that have been mentioned here.

A Frank Discussion About Holistic Alternative Medicine

Most discussion about holistic alternative medicine and its related alternative healing therapies stress a number of different bases with the accompanying representing an overview of the most commonly expressed opinions. It is a commonly held belief that psychological and physiological factors are interdependent during illness. These claims are often expanded upon in such a manner as to give dominance to mental factors. The prominence of the psychology and its part in natural holistic healing often stem from the belief that, for the most part, most individuals' states of health and illness are psychosomatic. Using as a basis that the belief a person maintains regarding their state of health is influenced by all the forces that impinge on them, holistic alternative medicine practitioners assert that treatment of the individual's health issue must be concerned with the whole person, which includes their body, mind, and spirit, in order for a complete healing to occur.
The goal then becomes to administer an alternative medicine homeopathic solution, focused on the restoration of balance and harmony within the patient's life. The belief of the practitioner is, it is necessary to extend beyond just creating an absence or removal of the disease state and condition from the patient's body, to creating and maintaining a state they often referred to as "wellness." This state of wellness adds additional powers of resiliency, enabling the, now well body, to inhibit further episodes of that disease state. Within the holistic alternative medicine framework the patient must assume a more active role, accepting greater responsibility in their own health care.
Alternative healing therapies, for the most part, do not appear to violate the majority of tradition medicine clinical practices; yet most natural healing center practitioners position themselves in opposition to traditional scientific medicine. The mantra of the "poison, cut, and burn" practice of convention medicine, is bad, is rampant throughout their community. The advocates of holistic medicine defend their controversial and antiscientific philosophy and practices by referring to themselves and what they do as a new and alternative scientific medical paradigm.
While the crisis intervention emphasis of conventional medicine and doing battle with the disease or imminent threat to the patients' life may sometimes result in other complications, it should not be overlooked that traditional medicine and its related technologies have created numerous procedures and techniques which allows ill individuals to continue to sustain life until their bodies are able to take over and heal themselves. Their involvement in today's health community does definitely have its place. In situations of acute disease, major accidents emergencies, and wartime life-saving, they are the most successful of all healing methods. This should never be under-emphasized.
However, conventional medicine is a lot less successful in cases of chronic illness. The diseases related to aging and lifestyle, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, lower back pain, high blood pressure, coronary-artery disease, ulcers, hormone imbalance and a host of others. Generally in these instances, they initiate emergency measures which are usually not applicable for the condition and tend to overkill with treatments which do not allow the body to heal itself.

Holistic alternative medicine is based on the principle of stimulating and increasing the body's inherent curative ability. Holistic alternative medicines act as a catalyst to the body's immune system to wipe out the root cause of the discomfort. Although both medicinal systems use weak doses of a disease causing agent to stimulate the body's immune defense against the illness, holistic healing uses plants, herbs, earth minerals and other alternative healing therapies for this stimulation, while conventional medicine uses viruses or chemicals.
Not every health problem requires costly, major medical attention and hospital stays. There is room and need for alternatives. While the best medicine of all is a sensible life style, with good healthy food, regular moderate exercise, and restful sleep, you still need to be re-educated about your health. Today's health care consumers are less intimidated about doctors and disease. They are not only more aware of alternative healing therapy choices and more confident in their own self endowed healing strength, but also want to do something for them to get better. The time has clearly come for a partnership between the conventional and alternative health care professions. Now is the best time for a blended medical approach so that the healing resources from both sides can be optimally employed for the consumers over all wellness.

Acupuncture Treatment Guide: The Guidelines Are for Our Safety

Acupuncture treatment is tested now for over 3000 years and till date it is considered as most efficient and trustworthy form of healing people. It is helpful in promoting health, reducing pain and decreases the symptoms of diseases. This method of healing seems to be weird but with time people has recognized this ancient Chinese art of healing and curing. The basic focus of the acupuncturist is to increase and balance chi in your body. "Chi" is the positive energy that flows in the human body. When chi is imbalance the body falls sick and weak.
The experienced and efficient acupuncturist from their knowledge can control health and illness by motivating some points of areas that lie along the meridian. These specific points of areas are called "acupoints" where the needles are inserted. The needles used in this method are almost the size of human hair strands. Nowadays, in acupuncture new additions are done such as introduction of herbs, magnet and lasers. But the basic or root requirement is the same. The new methods of acupuncture also revitalize you and adjust the vital energy in your body. This is done by reaching all the required areas of body and also heals it in a very short time.

Limits of Acupuncture
It's a known fact nowadays that acupuncture treatment as well as oriental medicines has both powerful healing tools. Every individual must understand that these methods are neither very easy to follow and nor they are the only solution for all your health related problems. All types of medicine methods whether they are western or oriental have their own respective strengths as well as weaknesses. So, a proper combination of acupuncture treatment as well as western medicine together will serve in much better way. Usually acute diseases can be handled properly by the western method whereas everyday health problems to chronic diseases can benefit more from oriental medicine or acupuncture.

Making selection of a Efficient Acupuncturist
For the last 12 years the acupuncturists are licensed by the Medical Board of California. An individual is only allowed to practice this skill once he or she has completed four years of training from any approved college of oriental Medicine. Once an individual passes the California Acupuncture committee examination papers, he or she is granted a title called "Licensed Acupuncturist" or L.Ac. The acupuncturist when receives this license passes all the criteria and become eligible to treat and handle acupuncture cases. Never opt for an acupuncturist who does not possess this license because then you will only be responsible for your life.
Is Acupuncture treatment safe for you?
This question usually arises in every individual's mind when they first come for counseling. If you have searched for a licensed, qualified and efficient acupuncturist then we can say that you are safe in their hands. A licensed acupuncturist is well versed with the entire human body and they are skilled in inserting the needles in proper and perfect way. The needles used by them are either pre-sterilized or are disposable.
Bleeding does not occur while inserting the needles. Needle used for the treatment are thin like a hair strand of a human. The needle is inserted in particular acupuncture point with care and safety. Oriental medicine doctor are truly concerned about their patients and are also aware of the infections that patient may get from the surroundings and equipments. They take every possible step to provide clean and healthy atmosphere. So, this method of treatment is completely safe.
Side effects of Acupuncture.

If an efficient and experienced acupuncturist treats an individual then he will only make use those equipments that are either pre-sterilized or disposable. Acupuncture is safe and does not have any severe side effects. From the treatment, patients feel relaxed and energized. So, finding a side effect is not easy with this form of treatment.

Acupuncturists Promote Healing Nature's Way

Acupuncture is an ancient practice of encouraging the human body to heal naturally. Aspen acupuncturists use sterilized needles that are no bigger in diameter than a human hair. The needles are inserted into points on the body to adjust biochemical and physiological conditions to treat illness. This is done only after a complete examination and analysis has been completed.
For over 2000 years, acupuncture has been shown to be highly effective for treating health problems. Energy in the human body which flows along meridians connected to key organs sometimes become blocked and cause illness. There are points located along the meridians that can be stimulated through the nerves to transmit signals to the base of the brain. The area at the base of the brain is called the hypothalamic-pituitary system and is responsible for releasing neurotransmitters and endorphins. 

Endorphins are about 200 times stronger than morphine and have a role in the hormonal system.
Acupuncture is remarkably effective for back pain and arthritis, as well as premenstrual syndrome and infertility. Because of the body's own natural powerful endorphins, it causes the body to relax and serotonin is regulated, as well. This is one reason why the treatment is so useful for treating depression. Many people will receive treatment two to four times a year to prevent the onset of a problem from occurring, and for abundant energy and vitality. Most problems that are treated are usually pain related, but many other illnesses can be treated, as well.
From eye, ear, nose, and throat ailments to high blood pressure or anemia. Whether there is difficulty in the gastrointestinal area or a gynecological disorder, these areas are all treatable. There are many other illnesses or sickness that acupuncture is successful at treating.
Treatments are not the same for everyone and diagnosis will determine how many times it will be required to see a practitioner. Usually from the first to about the fourth treatment the patient will begin to experience extraordinary results. 

Scheduled visits will be further and further apart until optimal recovery has been achieved. An acupuncturist may prescribe herbs and dietary changes as well as exercises to be used at home.
This ancient Chinese way to medicine is not only extremely effective but relatively safe, as well. Side effects are almost unheard off. A brief stinging sensation might be felt when a needle is first inserted or a dull ache, but this soon dissipates. Some experience deep relaxation, but this will pass in 24 to 48 hours. All practitioners are licensed.

Thought Defining Acts For Back Pain

Yoga is not only about learning different physical positions and improving your inner and physical health. Yoga means union. Union of the body and the mind. Yoga practitioners would often say that yoga was able to help them regain physical, mental and emotional development. Some would say it was able to help them get through some of the worst moments of their lives.
Let's think about the basics. The brain is the primary one responsible in body functions. 

Nerves, bones, muscles and body systems do not just move or respond to its surroundings. The brain communicates with our body in order for it to function.
A concrete example of this is how we "carry" or project ourselves through our postures or body language. A person who carries a positive energy projects by walking upright, shoulders pulled back, chest open with energetic steps. A person, on the other hand, who has a problem and sends off a negative energy, is somebody who walks with head bowing, shoulders drooping and walking without even any trace of liveliness is their steps.
Yoga exercises would also include meditation practices which would be able to help your mind become free of its negativity. Yoga becomes more than holding postures and positions. Eventually, this would be projected into how you carry yourself in the public.

Yoga does not only unite the mind and the body. There are yoga practitioners who would say that it also helped them deal with different kinds of pains like back, neck, shoulder, knee pains and even with stress. Body pains causes are not only physical extortion. Some would experience pain even if they did not participate in heavy work. It could be traced to physical, mental and emotional imbalance. Yoga practices cold reinstate this balance.
For example, to deal with back pain, you could start by doing leg stretches which would encourage the blood to flow sending positive energy to the brain. These positive thoughts of the person would then help the body deal and even stop the pain. Lifestyle changes could also help in relieving stress, muscle and back tension and pain.

Arteriosclerosis and Homeopathy!

It is said that "A man is as old as his arteries"! How true! Better the arterial circulation, better are the chances of health and longevity! Obviously age is the major non-modifiable factor in developing the sclerotic changes in arteries but there are many modifiable factors too. High bodily cholesterol, obesity, hypertension, faulty diet, etc are some of them. They can certainly be modified to reduce the chances of early arteriosclerosis.
Familial traits have also been observed in cases of early arteriosclerosis. Such patients have to take extra care not to fall prey to fatty deposits in arteries by maintaining their diet and exercise regime. 'Being a man' too increases the risk by some percentage. However, women should not be careless. Once they pass the menopausal stage, they equal their chances of arteriosclerosis as in men.

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, etc have also been blamed for early arteriosclerosis.
Treating the root cause is obviously important and while treating homeopathically, apt cause can be traced through efficient history taking of the individual. It has been observed that with appropriate homeopathic constitutional therapy, the arteriosclerosis changes can be reverted back, even in patients with positive family history. Obviously the patient needs to be counseled about right eating habits and exercise too.
Now let's see some of the important homeopathic medicines that can help tackle the problem of arteriosclerosis!
(1) Arnica- This is one of the most important remedies while treating homeopathically. Arnica prevents formation of clots in blood. When chosen wisely in right potency, Arnica reduces blood cholesterol (LDL) steadily too. It aids in hassle-free circulation.
(2) Crataegus- In mother tincture form, this medicine is seen to literally dissolve the arterial plaques. Though the patient has to take this mother tincture for long time.
(3) Arsenicum iod- thickening of arteries, tachycardia, slow circulation leading to venous congestions. Extreme weakness is frequently a concomitant.
(4) Sabal serrulata- Some problems in kidney or bladder leading to one or more arterial problems. Fatty deposits in renal and cardiac arteries.
(5) Colchicum- rheumatism induced arteriosclerosis. Slow circulations. Cutting pains in cardiac region due to arterial problems
(6) Kali phos, calc fluor, natrum mur, Ferrum phos, etc are some of the biochemic salts to be remembered (individually as needed) while treating arteriosclerosis. They help in eliciting efficient compliance from the patients to the selected homeopathic regime.

The above mentioned medicines are the specific medicines that may be needed while treating arteriosclerosis in patients. However, the homeopathic treatment must involve constitutional therapy in order to revert the changes and halt the progress of any disease, including arteriosclerosis.